
Νέο Τραγούδι από τους

Electric Litany.

Άκου το New Coat


March 21, 2020

"Hello everyone. We hope everyone is coping in these difficult times and keeping safe and well.
We look forward to seeing everyone once this has passed. This shall pass sooner or later. 
In the meantime we would still like to connect and share our music with you. 
Over the next few weeks of isolation we hope to share some unreleased material and keep as active as possible in spite of everything.
Take care of yourselves and one another.".



March 28, 2020

"As promised, we will soon unveil an album of unheard material. This bootleg album is called “The Amniotic Tranquillity of Being Indoors During a Thunderstorm”.
We will make all the tracks available to stream and download for free via our website. We also welcome any donations which we will donate to charity for those in need during these unprecedented times. This will include any profits from streaming.
A full list of charities and grassroots organisations to be listed soon.
Please support.
This is one of the tracks “New Coat”. It was a rough demo recorded in our studio in Copenhagen Street, London. The track was never fully finished but we still like the raw performance.
Richard did an animation based on a character inspired by the song.
Take care of yourselves and each other".

Η μπάντα που αγαπώ χρόνια τώρα, η μπάντα που έβγαλε έναν από τους σπουδαιότερους δίσκους της χρονιάς που πέρασε, η μπάντα που εκτιμώ ακόμα περισσότερο για την απόφασή της το 2014 να ακυρώσει συναυλίες σε Βόλο και Πειραιά - ως αντίδραση για τα τότε εκλογικά αποτελέσματα - είναι πάλι εδώ, μας στηρίζει αυτές τις περίεργες μέρες, χαρίζοντάς μας μουσική που υπάρχει μεν κάποιο καιρό, αλλά δεν είχε βγει από τα συρτάρια της.
Το άλμπουμ “The Amniotic Tranquillity of Being Indoors During a Thunderstorm” πρόκειται να κυκλοφορήσει τις επόμενες μέρες από το site της μπάντας και θα προσφέρεται ως δωρεάν download & stream.
Όλα τα έσοδα θα πάνε σε αυτούς που τα έχουν ανάγκη (θα αναρτηθεί σχετική λίστα τις επόμενες ημέρες).
Ας στηρίξουμε όλοι, όσο μπορεί ο καθένας.
Για την ώρα ακούμε new tune από Electric Litany: "New Coat"

They call out your name.
Somewhere on this train
But I am not around

Seven times the loss
They never wore a cross
But now I have none

Betrayal holds my hand
How bitter for a man
And now I have none…

You wear a new coat
The one that you wore
When you’re around (when it rained down)
Cold are your hands
The moment feels the same
And now I have none

They call out my name
The named me insane
For now I have none..
Betrayal holds my hand
How bitter for an end
Now I have none

You wear a new coat
The one that you wore 
When you were around
They mention your name
And they called me insane.

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